More than
years of age

A Classic Motorcycle Club of Minnesota

Started in Minnesota in 1992 by lawyers for motorcyclists working in the legal profession.

Ride with us on a journey into the unknown. Explore new frontiers. Be part of a community, a network, a brother and sisterhood, and so much more.

we live and breathe the club

We are a national club with our home-base in Minnesota and members across the country. Our common passion for motorcycling provides a unique bond within the legal community. We ride virtually every make and model of bike, although a majority ride Harleys.


Establish a brotherhood and sisterhood of other like-minded bikers who work in the legal system and take an oath to stand with us to support all members.


Raising money for charities, including Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Hope Chest for Breast Cancer, Legal Aid, Lawyers for Literacy, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, Alzheimer’s, and various Veterans' events and memorials.

Club Stats!

0 +
(give or take)
0 +/-
(never enough but more than we'll admit)
0 +
(too many to count)
0 +
(in the millions and growing every day)
Our benefits

why choose us


Members are active in many motorcycle rights organizations, including ABATE and NCOM. In Minnesota, our leadership was instrumental in obtaining passage of the first statute in the United States to make it illegal to deny access to any public accommodation to an individual because they are riding a motorcycle or wearing a patch on their back.

3-patch neutral

We are a three patch neutral, non-territorial club. Our colors are as pictured above and elsewhere on this site. Our center patch is a Bald Eagle perched atop the handlebars of a motorcycle with the American flag and scales of justice in the background. Our top rocker for all members is "STREET LEGAL," and the bottom rocker is "Diaboli Ipsius." We are on good terms with all motorcycle clubs and organizations. We are not One-Percenters, but we have many friends who are.


WHAT our members SAY

join the club

Over 100 members over the Club’s lifetime, and the family keeps growing!